
A Comparative Analysis of the Two Main Hypervisors and Virtualization

Qingyue Deng


Presently, numerous major corporations are advancing virtualization technology to investigate the hypervisor layer. Hypervisors facilitate efficient memory management and support multi-core operating systems. The utility of hypervisors stems from their capacity to utilize
high-performance servers and to rapidly resume operations following a system failure. Current hypervisor technology exhibits an imperfect
caching system. Furthermore, instances occur where insufficient disk space during data storage necessitates system reinstallation. This study
examines the current technologies of hypervisors, specifically focusing on VirtualBox and VMware Workstation hypervisors. Based on these
findings, this paper compares and analyzes two principal hypervisors.


Virtualization technology; Hypervisor; VirtualBox; VMware Workstation; Multi-core operating system; Caching system

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/aitr.v2i3.4420


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