
Based on Internet + Warehousing Logistics Management Exploration

Liang Wan


The deep integration of the Internet and warehousing logistics not only promotes the transformation and upgrading of the industry,
but also brings the innovation of management mode and service concept for enterprises. This paper analyzes the development status of ware-housing logistics industry, analyzes the problems faced by warehousing logistics management in the Internet environment, and puts forward a
series of optimization countermeasures and suggestions. Through the introduction of cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things and other
advanced technologies, the establishment of intelligent storage management system, optimize the business process, improve the service level,
promote warehousing and logistics enterprises to achieve cost reduction and efficiency, and enhance the core competitiveness. At the same
time, it is also necessary to improve industry standards and norms, strengthen the construction of talent teams, build an Internet + warehousing and logistics ecosystem, and help build a strong logistics country.


Internet +; Warehousing logistics; Intelligent warehousing; Supply chain management; Informationization

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