
Analysis and Prospects of the Application of Large Language Models in the Field of Image Captioning

Sanxing Cui


With the continuous development of computer neural networks and image processing technologies, the application of large language
models in the field of image captioning has gradually become a research hotspot. This article provides a brief overview of the current performance of major large language models in the field of image captioning. It combines the development of image captioning techniques and analyzes the current application status of large language models in image captioning tasks. Through a detailed comparison of relevant datasets,
evaluation metrics, and algorithm performance, the practical effects and potential of large language models in the field of image captioning are
thoroughly examined. The article also highlights some challenges that large language models face in the field of image captioning and identifies future research directions. It aims to provide reference and insights for the further development of this field.


Computer Neural Networks; Image Processing and Computer Vision; Large Language Models; Image Captioning

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/aitr.v2i5.5270


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