
A Brief Discussion on Environmental Monitoring in En- vironmental Impact Assessment

Pengfei Li


In recent years, the natural environments continuous deterioration of our countrys government and society made our country the environmental problem great attention, the current environmental problem of our country is extremely serious, but in such circumstances, the city development must meet the environmental protection requirement, to promote the harmonious development of the man and the nature, but wants to achieve this purpose must carry on environmental assessment to construction project, So that it can meet the corresponding en- vironmental protection standards, and this environmental protection assessment is through the environmental impact assessment to complete. Environmental impact assessment cannot exist alone, it needs the support of all kinds of relevant environmental data, and the means to obtain these environmental data is environmental monitoring, it can be said that environmental monitoring is extremely important to environmental impact assessment, the paper analyzes the environmental monitoring problems in environmental impact assessment.


Environmental impact assessment; Environmental monitoring; Value

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