
Combination Weighting-competitiveness Evaluation of TOPSIS Model-based on Bohai Rim Ports

Huiping Wang


This paper focuses on the evaluation and research of the competitiveness of ports around the Bohai Sea. Through literature research
and expert consultation, it selects five factors that affect the competitiveness of ports, including infrastructure, production level, hinterland environment, port development potential and green develops, and builds an evaluation index system of the competitiveness of ports around the
Bohai Sea. Secondly, subjective weighting is carried out through analytic hierarchy process and objective weighting by entropy method. The
final weight is calculated by game theory combination weighting formula. Finally, TOPSIS method is used to evaluate the competitiveness of
ports around the Bohai Sea.


Port competitiveness; Portfolio empowerment; TOPSIS

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Included Database


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