
The Impact of Agricultural Product Geographical Indications on E-commerce Brand Value under Private Domain Operations

Junyang Chen


Chinas agricultural e-commerce trade has exhibited a consistent and sustained growth trajectory in recent years which has not only
reinforced Chinas economic development but has also emerged as a pivotal catalyst for the transformation of the countrys agricultural development model. Currently, most Chinese agricultural e-commerce brands are confronted with several challenges. In this paper, starting from
the private domain operations of e-commerce brands, agricultural product geographic identification, and e-commerce brands value by combing domestic and foreign scholars research summary, the results show that: (1) Private domain operations have a significant positive effect on
the brand value of agricultural e-commerce. (2) The establishment and proliferation of geographical indications for agricultural products could
enhance the value of e-commerce brands. (3) Geographical indications of agricultural products and private domain operations act as a guiding,
influencing, and promoting role with respect to each others development and operation. Finally, the author synthesizes the extant literature
and research findings from both domestic and international sources, and presents the corresponding conclusions and proposes countermeasures for the principal challenges which are the development of Chinese agricultural e-commerce brands currently facing.


Private Domain Operations; Agricultural Geographical Indications; E-commerce Brand Value; Agricultural E-commerce

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