
The Generative Logic, Main Content and Contemporary Value of the Ecological Thought of Marx and Engels

Jianjian Sun, Xingyan Chen


The ecological thought of Marx and Engels is an important part of Marxist theory, and is the theoretical guidance and guide to action for the harmonious development of human and nature in contemporary human society. The ecological thought of Marx and Engels is
formed on the basis of in-depth criticism and reasonable absorption of the natural thought of Hegel and Feuerbach in the context of the age
of the advancing industrial revolution. Marx and Engels have important theoretical and practical value in contemporary thinking and solving
ecological problems, as they demonstrate the priority of nature, the dialectical relationship between humans and nature, the capitalist system
as the root of ecological crisis, and communism as the main content of achieving an ideal society of harmonious coexistence between humans
and nature.


The ecological thought of Marx and Engels; Harmonious coexistence between humans and nature; Contemporary values

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