
A Study on the Controversy of Confucius Executing Shao Zhengmao

Yihang Han


The controversial issue of Confucius executing Shao Zhengmao has always been surrounded by diverging opinions, making it difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood. The academic community holds two main viewpoints on this matter: denial and acceptance.
Deniers do not acknowledge this historical account and seek to uphold the saintly image of Confucius. Acceptors, on the other hand, adopt
two attitudes based on accepting it as a credible historical record: they either respect or criticize Confucius. Regardless of the viewpoint, they
all reflect peoples contemplation on the image of Confucius. This issue is not merely an academic question, but also delves into the spiritual
essence of traditional Chinese politics.


Confucius; Execution of Shaozhengmao; Traditional politics

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