
A Study on the Influencing Factors of Labor Participation Rate Among Low-Age Migrant Elderly Population

Deshuai Xu


With the intensification of population aging, Chinas demographic dividend is gradually disappearing, and the issue of labor participation among the younger mobile elderly population has aroused widespread concern from all sectors of society. This paper primarily utilizes data from the China Migrants Dynamic Survey (CMDS) to collect and analyze relevant factors influencing the labor participation of the
younger mobile elderly population. It examines these factors from various angles, including demographic characteristics, family dynamics,
health status, economic conditions, and social security. Furthermore, a logit regression model is established to conduct a regression analysis
on the influencing factors of labor participation among the younger mobile elderly. Through empirical analysis, it is found that age, gender,
intergenerational support, and health status have significant impacts on the labor participation of this population group. Based on these empirical results, relevant suggestions are proposed at the individual, societal, and national levels to enhance the labor participation of the younger
mobile elderly population.


Younger Elderly Population; Labor Participation; Logit Model

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