
Discussion on the Yin Yang Yi Disease and Burned Underpants Ashes in the Treatise on Typhoid Fever

Lu Meng


The language of Treatise on Cold Damage is ancient and profound, and has been studied and used continuously from ancient
times to the present day. After the Six Meridian Diseases and Cholera, there is a section on the treatment of diseases based on the differentiation of yin and yang and the recovery of symptoms and meridians through labor. The sections on the differentiation of yin and yang and the
recovery of symptoms and meridians after labor are placed in the same section, with the word typhoid fever added. Because typhoid fever
and yin and yang are easily classified as diseases, it indicates that yin and yang are easily classified as typhoid fever, which is obviously different from the similar disease cholera. Cholera is a completely different disease from typhoid fever, and because it is similar to typhoid fever, it has its own section. Yin Yang Yi belongs to a syndrome in the process of typhoid fever, and it is a transformation syndrome in the later
stage of typhoid fever. Therefore, it is related to typhoid fever and labeled with the word typhoid fever. Yin Yang Yi is definitely related to
typhoid fever, but it is not typhoid fever and labor recovery. This is why Yin Yang Yi is combined with typhoid fever and labor recovery.


Yin and yang easy disease; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Treatise on typhoid fever

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