
Research on Multi-objective Location Planning of Real Estate Based on Extreme Weather

Yuanyuan Wang, Yanqi Li, Tianqi Yang


This study aims to solve the problem of multi-objective site selection planning of real estate under the influence of extreme weather.
We use meteorological data and historical disaster records to build an extreme weather risk assessment model, calculate the risk weights of
various regions, and build a multi-objective real estate site selection planning model that comprehensively considers regional risks, such as
transportation infrastructure and environment Using ARCGIS spatial visualization technology, we visually displayed weighted maps and final
location selection results of each target in the form of maps. Chongqing City was taken as an example to demonstrate the application process
of the model. The optimal results of real estate location selection in Chongqing were distributed in (28 96N, 108 94E), (30 19N, 105 84E),
(28 95N, 108 94E) nearby This study innovatively takes the risk of extreme weather into account, which enricfies the theoretical and methodological research on real estate location.


Extreme weather; Risk assessment; ARCGIS; Multi-objective programming; Real estate site selection

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