
Explore the Path of Consolidating the Achievements of Poverty Alleviation and Rural Vitalization

Weifeng Wu, Xinzheng Huang*, Guihao Zhang


In 2020, all the poor counties in China will be taken off, and the absolute poverty at the same time begin to move toward the goal of
building a new development pattern. In the next stage, we must first consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, then do a good job in
agriculture and farmers, strengthen innovation-driven development, promote high-quality development, and ensure national food security,
We will complete the effective transition from poverty alleviation to rural revitalization. This paper focuses on the way and path of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization work, and makes suggestions and suggestions for stable poverty alleviation and good rural revitalization, and
makes a contribution to the goal of consolidating the achievements of product promotion, comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and
realizing common prosperity.


Poverty alleviation; Stable poverty alleviation; Rural revitalization; Key path

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