
Analysis on Grouting Construction Technology and Quality Management Countermeasures of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project

Haoyuan Wei


Based on the industry background, this paper comprehensively discusses the application points and quality management countermeasures of grouting construction technology in water conservancy and hydropower engineering. The key links of grouting construction technology are expounded, including the selection of grouting materials, optimization of drilling construction technology, reasonable selection of
grouting method and scientific arrangement of grouting order. In view of the weak links in the quality management of grouting construction,
the countermeasures and measures such as strengthening the audit of construction drawings, constructing the whole-process quality control
system, strict quality acceptance standards, and strengthening the professional training of construction personnel are put forward. Through
the fine application of grouting construction technology and the comprehensive optimization of quality management, the overall construction
level and comprehensive benefits of water conservancy and hydropower projects can be effectively improved.


Water conservancy and hydropower engineering; Grouting construction technology; Quality management; Construction technology; Countermeasures

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Included Database


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