
Study on Long-term Mechanism of Financial Support to Agriculture from the Perspective of Rural Revitalization -- Take the Agriculture of Baise City as an Example

Weixi Zhu


Based on the background and task deployment of rural revitalization strategy, this paper, taking Baise Citys financial support for
agriculture as an example, focuses on analyzing the system and mechanism of Baise Citys financial support for agriculture in promoting rural
revitalization strategy, mainly includes: The management system of financial support for agriculture is not perfect, the structure of financial
support for agriculture is unreasonable, the total amount of funds is too small, and there is a lack of sound performance evaluation system.
It is proposed to optimize the investment mechanism of financial support for agricultural machinery, broaden the channels of fund raising,
strengthen financial support for agricultural science and technology, and strengthen the supervision and management of financial support for
agriculture. In order to promote the rural revitalization strategy of the financial system mechanism innovation and the optimization of agricultural policy system to provide reference.


Rural revitalization strategy; Financial support for agriculture; Baise City

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