
Research on the Functional Improvement of Ultra-high Pressure Rice Soaked in Ferulic Acid

Guanhua Chen, Feiyu Jiang, Yangcheng Wang


In todays society, with the rising number of diabetes patients, the project group studied the effect of different concentrations of
ferulic acid solution and ultra-high pressure processing on rice quality. The results showed that ultra-high pressure technology could improve
taste, appearance and reduce GI value. With the increase of ferulic acid concentration under the joint action of UHP and ferulic acid solution,
the hypoglycemic effect improved. SPSS analysis found that 1.5% ferulic acid and 400MPa, 10min ultra-high pressure treatment had the best
comprehensive effects. It is hoped to develop ultra-high pressure rice suitable for diabetics, obese and weight loss people, upgrading ordinary
rice to nutritional rice and hypoglycemic rice.


Ferulic acid; Rice; Ultra-high pressure technology; Lowering sugar

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