
Analysis of the Application Advantages and Technical Characteristics of Agricultural Machinery Automation Technology

Guangfu Zhang


With the rapid development of science and technology, agricultural production needs to be modernized in order to improve efficiency, reduce costs and reduce the burden of farmers. However, there are many disadvantages in the traditional agricultural production mode,
which is difficult to meet the needs of modern agricultural development. This paper makes an in-depth analysis of the application advantages
and technical characteristics of agricultural machinery automation technology, and puts forward the strategies of deeply understanding the
agricultural production needs, strengthening technology research and development and innovation, and paying attention to talent training and
introduction. Through the effective application of agricultural machinery automation technology, it is expected to realize the intelligence,
precision and adaptability of agricultural production, so as to promote the process of agricultural modernization in China, ensure the national
food security and increase farmers income.


Automation technology of agricultural machinery; Application advantages; Technical characteristics

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