
Exploration of Big Data Information Network Based on Artificial Intelligence Technology

Liyao Fu, Zhang Li, Hongxia Yin, Shuyan Gu, Zhang Qi, Can Chen


The rapid development of the Internet has changed peoples work and life. The use of network technology, mobile communication
technology and cloud computing technology has greatly improved the efficiency of data collection and transmission. While the rapid development of the network provides convenience for human beings, it also puts forward new requirements on network security, data protection,
information overload, information divide and so on. However, while enjoying these conveniences, we should pay more attention to the safety
management of AI and make it a research focus. Currently, the degree of completeness of AI needs to be improved. The big data network
based on artificial intelligence can better cope with the complex and severe network security problems, enhance the security guarantee ability
of multi-dimensional network, and promote the progress of national network science and technology.


Artificial intelligence techniques; Big data; Information networks; Applications

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