
The Influence of Short-Form Videos on the Socialization of Rural Adolescents: Insights from Cultural Industry Theory

Yuhan Gui


As internet access continues to expand, short-form video content has become a primary source of information for rural adolescents,
influencing their socialization processes. Given the limitations of family-based education and restricted educational resources, rural youth increasingly depend on short-form video platforms as a means of engaging with the broader world, shaping their identities, and developing their
values. From the cultural industry perspective, however, the often-repetitive, superficial, and audience-driven nature of these videos presents
potential risks to the formation of adolescents identities, values, and social cognitions. Addressing these challenges requires a collaborative
effort among families, educational institutions, corporations, and government. Such cooperation can ensure that rural adolescents benefit from
these platforms accessibility while fostering a constructive and supportive socialization environment.


Short-form video; Rural adolescents; Socialization; Cultural industry

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/frim.v2i10.5394


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