
Exploring the Ethical Dilemma of the Principle of Self-determination in Chinese Social Work Practice


The principle of client self-determ ination, as the core ethical principle in social work, not only provides clear guidance for social
workers helping others, but also serves to ensure that social work achieves the goal of helping others and self-help to some extent. However,
in the practical operation of social work, the principle of self-determination has encountered many difficulties, which mainly stem from the
problems encountered in implementing the principle of self-determination. Therefore, this study aims to deeply explore the challenges faced
by the principle of client self-determination in the social work practice in China, and to provide targeted suggestions for this purpose.


Social work; Self-determination of the client; Ethical dilemma

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/frim.v2i11.5555


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