
Selection of Multifunctional Bacteria and Evaluation of Their Growth Promotion Effect on Tobacco

Shan Yang, Yueqi Guo, Zhi Zhang, Shaochen Ding, Lihong Zhou


The selection of functional bacteria from maize rhizosphere, known for its rich microbial community, plays a vital role in developing microbial fertilizers for tobacco. This study focused on isolating bacteria that enhance tobacco seedling growth by screening for phosphorus solubilization, potassium release, indole acetic acid production, and siderophore capabilities. Pseudomonas rhizoryzae FE-1 was identified
as the most effective strain, exhibiting significant growth-promoting effects on tobacco seedlings. FE-1 increased seedling height, leaf area,
and root activity by 70.96%, 81.82%, and 376.22% respectively, providing insights for tobacco microbial fertilizer development.


Functional bacteria; Tobacco; Rhizosphere promoters; Pseudomonas rhizoryzae; Microbial fertilizers

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/frim.v2i12.5720


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