A Comparative Analysis of Translations of The Little Prince Based on the Child-centered Perspective -- Taking the English Translations of Liu Mingjiu and Zheng Kelu as Examples
literature, science fiction, poetry, and others. Childrens literature has a narrower audience compared to these genres, and the unique characteristics of the child audience have led to a consistently lower level of academic attention to childrens literature. China has always introduced
excellent childrens literary works from various countries around the world, making the translation of childrens literature quite important.
However, there is currently a lack of corresponding research on childrens literature and child- centered perspective. Therefore, this article
approaches the analysis of translated childrens literature from the perspective of literary translation appreciation. It examines aspects such as
vocabulary, sentence structures, rhetoric, etc., combined with selected passages from The Little Prince, in order to analyze the strengths and
weaknesses of translation in childrens literature. The hope is to provide some new insights into the translation of childrens literature.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/frim.v3i1.5865
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