
New Modulation Technology and Its Application in Telemetry

Lvjie Gong, Yihong Li, Jianwei Zhao, Weimin Jia, Wei Jin


Telemetry technology plays a crucial role in numerous fields, and modulation technology is one of the core elements of the
telemetry system. With the rapid growth of telemetry data volume and the increasingly complex application environment, traditional
modulation technologies are gradually unable to meet the demands. This paper deeply explores the new SOQPSK and QAM modulation
technologies. Through a comparative analysis with traditional modulation technologies in terms of transmission rate and anti-interference
performance, the advantages of the new modulation technologies are highlighted. At the same time, the challenges faced by the new modulation technologies in terms of technical implementation complexity are analyzed, and corresponding strategies such as adopting advanced
integrated circuit chips and optimizing algorithm structures are proposed, providing a theoretical basis and practical reference for the further application and development of the new modulation technologies in the telemetry field, and is of great significance for promoting the
progress of telemetry technology.


Telemetry; New modulation technology; SOQPSK, QAM; Transmission rate

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/frim.v3i1.5885


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