
Risk Assessment and Analysis of Geological Disaster of Hydraulic Engineering Environmen

Lanfeng Wu


The formation of hydraulic engineering environmental geohazards is mostly caused by human factors, rough investigation, illegal
operation, and improper countermeasures can trigger or even magnify the hazardous degree and scope of geohazards. Timely, scientific and
accurate assessment of the risk of hydraulic engineering environmental geohazards is an important means to prevent disasters and reduce
losses. However, the risk assessment needs to refer to a variety of information, and in many cases, it rely on the work experience of the
assessors, so the actual work is carried out in a mixed situation, resulting in a huge disaster hidden danger. It is necessary to sort out the
recent assessment work, sum up the experience and analyze the interests in order to point out the direction for future work.


Hydraulic Engineering Environment; Geological Disasters; Risk Assessment

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