
Research on Prediction of Land Subsidence in Coal Mine Geology

Hongle Sun, Congwei Zhao, Fengchao Zhang


Coal mining provides strong energy support for the development of modern industry. However, in the long-term coal mining process, there have been serious land subsidence problems, which have a very adverse impact on the local natural environment and native business life. Therefore, the research on the prediction of land subsidence in coal mine geology plays a very important role in the sustainable development of coal mining work. Besides, the research on coal mining technology could minimize the damage to the ecological environment of the mining area and at the same time protect the local infrastructure. In this thesis, the prediction of land subsidence in coal mine geology is briefly explored for further research and reference.


Coal mine geology; Land subsidence; Sustainable development

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/gme.v2i1.3893


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