
Study on the Reservoir Characteristics of the Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Majiahe Area, Ordos Basin

Jiadong Ji, Guicheng Wang


This study thoroughly analyzes the petrological and physical properties of the Chang 4+5 and Chang 6 reservoirs of the Triassic
Yanchang Formation in the Majiahe area of the Ordos Basin. The lithology in the study area is mainly composed of gray fine-grained feld-spathic sandstone, followed by medium to fine-grained and silt to fine-grained feldspathic sandstone. The overall petrological characteristics
indicate low compositional maturity and high structural maturity, reflecting the complexity of the depositional environment. The reservoir
properties exhibit extremely low porosity (very low to ultra-low porosity) and permeability (very low to ultra-low permeability), with significant heterogeneity in the reservoirs.


Majiahe Area; Petrological Characteristics; Reservoir Properties; Reservoir Heterogeneity

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