
Discussion on the Exploration of Grouting Construction Technology in Water Conservancy Engineeringe

Yide Lu


At present, with the rapid development speed and development space of water conservancy projects in China, the foundation that
can be used for the construction of water conservancy projects is less and less. As the foundation grouting technology has been applied in
a wider range and more attention has been paid to the adaptability of the foundation grouting technology and geological conditions, the
requirements on the foundation are usually very harsh in water conservancy projects, and their foundations must be strictly treated through
special requirements in order to achieve the performance requirements of seepage prevention and stability that water conservancy projects
must have. Therefore, it is very important to use the appropriate technology to deal with the foundation of the water conservancy project,
and it is necessary to fully prepare and deal with the waterproofing of the ground foundation in the early stage of the water conservancy
project construction, otherwise it will bring many difficult problems to the construction unit. Therefore, the foundation grouting construction
technology plays a very important role in the construction of water conservancy projects. This paper aims to briefly analyze and discuss the
foundation grouting construction technology of water conservancy projects.


Water conservancy project; grouting; construction technique

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