
Study on Preparation and Performance of Environmentally Friendly Corrosion and Scale Inhibitors for Industrial Circulating Water

Anyang Shi, Songtao Wang, Ruhui Fe, Mengxiao Wang, Bolin Zhao


With the continuous improvement of national environmental protection standards, the requirements for the quality of wastewater
from various chemical enterprises are becoming more and more stringent. Traditional corrosion and scale inhibitors often contain a large
number of harmful chemical substances, such as phosphate, heavy metal ions, etc. These substances are discharged in industrial circulating
water treatment, which not only lead to serious pollution of water resources, but also may damage the ecological balance and affect human
health. Therefore, the development of environmentally friendly Corrosion and Scale Inhibitors is one of the important ways to achieve green
industry and sustainable development. It aims to reduce the use of chemical substances, decrease environmental pollution, while ensuring the
efficient operation of industrial production.


Industrial circulating water; Environmentally friendly corrosion and scale inhibitors; Preparation; Performance

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/itr.v2i2.5655


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