
Research on Human Resource Management Information Construction in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Yueran Zhou


To make the talent role get maximum use and improve the efficiency of enterprise management, small and medium-sized enterprises
should be information as an important breakthrough, into the enterprise human resource management, in order to improve the enterprise human resource management ability, provide comprehensive data support and decision support, promote the enterprise personnel decisions
adapted to the strategic objectives of the enterprise. Small and medium-sized enterprises to better match the information, we must take the
initiative to the transition to find new changes, with information ideas to improve work efficiency, the reform of human resource management,
and to accelerate the human resource management information construction, strengthen the information management, make human resource
management toward more scientific, more in line with the market demand of development and reform, for the development of small and
medium-sized enterprises to provide strong organization guarantee and talent support.


Small and medium-sized enterprises; Human resource management; Information technology

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Included Database


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