
Research on the Development of Cross-border E-commerce in Coastal Cities under the Environment -- A Case Study of Zhuhai City

Nan Chen, Yumei Nie


After the outbreak of COVID-19 at the end of 2019, the global economy, culture and even the world pattern are quietly changing,
which increases the risk of cross-border trade. In particular, coastal cities of various countries are more strict than before in the management
of ports. Under the continuous influence of the epidemic, the development of cross-border e-commerce has declined and stagnated in recent
years, but this also provides a foundation for the explosive growth of cross-border e-commerce. Compared with mainland cities, cities located
in coastal areas have great advantages in cross-border trade, and the development of cross-border e-commerce trade is relatively easier. However, cross-border e-commerce has gone through the period of wild growth of the industry, and the development of cross-border e-commerce
in the future is full of uncertainties. This paper will take Zhuhai City in the coastal zone of Guangdong Province, China as the subject of research, and study how to maintain the current situation of cross-border e-commerce in coastal cities under this environment, so as to carry out
better development in the future.


Cross-border e-commerce; Zhuhai e-commerce development; The general environment; Logistics

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/memf.v2i4.5367


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