
A Study of the Cell Biological Mechanisms of Hormonal Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head

Qiang Wang, Liqiong Liu, Wenmei Xie


Hormonal necrosis of the femoral head is a common degenerative bone disease whose pathogenesis involves multiple factors in
which hormones play an important role. Past studies have shown that hormones can affect the metabolism and function of osteoblasts, but
their specific cell biological mechanisms are not yet fully understood. However, there are still many issues that need to be further investigated
in order to deeply explore the pathophysiological mechanisms of hormonal osteonecrosis of the femoral head and provide a more reliable scientific basis for clinical practice.


Hormonal osteonecrosis of the femoral head; Cell biology; Mechanism study

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/pmr.v2i2.4455


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