
Cultural Analysis of Music Development History Based on Pearson Correlation Coefficient

Sisi Wang


Music is an important part of human social and cultural heritage, which plays an important role in the process of human evolution
and social development.In the process of music evolution, social characteristics are influenced by musical emotions, musicians'creativity
or political events, thus quantifying the innovation and development of musical instruments.Music can analyze various factors of music
development.By constructing networks instead of the relationship between music characteristics, music can explore the gradual evolution
of music in social culture In order to explore music influence and construct directed network, we have established quantitative indicators of
music influence, and constructed a two-way network of music genres and artists.Furthermore, based on topic method, we use three indicators
of pop music persistence and faction achievement to construct network music influence, and explore the internal relationship between
directed network and network.


Factor analysis; Pearson correlation coefficient; Ideal point; Fitting; Music evolution

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