
Exploration on the Integration of Ideological and Politi-cal Education and Employment Guidance in Vocational Colleges

Boxuan Gao


In the current context of well-rounded education, vocational colleges should pay attention to guiding students to integrate ideologi-cal and political education while learning professional knowledge, so that students can have good professional literacy in their future employ-ment life. Currently, vocational colleges need to integrate ideological and political elements under employment guidance, so that students have a good employment spirit and can better adapt to future society. Based on this, this article mainly explores and analyzes the practical teaching strategy of integrating ideological and political education with employment guidance in vocational colleges, its hoped to provide relevant personnel with some references.


Well-Rounded Education; Vocational Colleges; Ideological And Political Education; Employment Guidance; Integration Practice Strategy

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[1] Gao L. Exploration of the Integration of Ideological and Political Education and Employment Guidance Education in Vocational Colleges [J]. Wencun Reading Journal. 2022; (22): 30.

[2] Lei CQ. Exploration of the Integration of Ideological and Political Education and Employment Guidance Education in Vocational Colleges [J]. Literature andArt Life [J]. WenhaiArt Garden. 2022; (07): 240.


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