
A Corpus-Based Study on the Use of Logical Connec-tives in English MajorsUndergraduate Dissertations-- Taking Chengdu Neusoft University as an Example

Haixia Lin, Shiyi Guo


Connectives can eliminate ambiguity in readers' understanding by creating logical semantic linkages between phrases, paragraphs, and sections of speech. This study creates a corpus of 40 translation reports written by English major students at Chengdu Neusoft University. Four different forms of linking were compared and analyzed in these papers. It discovers that among these students, there are notable vari-ations in the use of temporal and transitive connectives. While there are issues with a lack of variety in word choice and the persistence of stereotyped writing templates, the majority of connectives are utilized in much the same ways. The purpose of this paper is to provide some insights and enhancements for academic essay writing by students, as well as pertinent recommendations for English writing instruction.


Connectives; Corpus; Undergraduate Thesis;Academic English Writing

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