
Casting Souls through Lessons: Exploring and Applying the Teaching Path of Civics in the Two Hearts, Three Elements, and X Steps Curriculum -- Taking the mathematics major course of Hangzhou Normal University as an example

Jingwen Wang, Qingyou Sun


At present, the ideology and politics of the curriculum is an important way for Chinese higher education to realize the cultivation of
morality in the classroom. Carrying out the construction of course ideology and politics in the context of the construction of first-class undergraduate majors is a necessary requirement for realizing the talent cultivation of three full educations and five simultaneous educations. This
paper takes university professional courses as an example, puts forward the overall idea of casting the soul of the course, under the guidance
of the OBE concept and contextual learning theory, conducts research around the driving mechanism-operating mechanism-guaranteeing
mechanism, and explores the two-centered, three-dimensional and X-step course ideology teaching path, and presents its advantages in
teacher training and education, as well as its advantages in the teaching and learning of teachers. It explores the path of two-centered, threedimensional and X-step course teaching and presents practical cases of its application in teacher training colleges, so that the classroom is
more than teaching knowledge and more than lecturing textbooks, and the nurturing advantages of socialist education with Chinese characteristics are brought into full play.


Five education; OBE concept; Contextual learning theory; Two hearts, Three Elements, and X-order; Curricular ideology and politics

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