
Exploration of Curriculum Reform of Main Japanese Courses Focusing on Curriculum Ideology and Politics and Online Teaching-- Take Business Japanese Listening as an example

Ranyang Qin


The application of generative artificial intelligence tools in the field of education, especially in the online course construction, has
attracted more and more attention. These tools can provide customized learning resources and feedback according to students personalized
needs, so as to effectively improve students learning effect. At the same time, foreign language education can use digital technology to better
serve the moral education of people, and AIGC technology gives us more technology and means. Taking the construction of Business Japanese Listening as an example, by using AIGC tools such as voice generation and AI digital human, we can quickly and conveniently produce
dynamic business listening materials and animated sections of Chinese cultural stories, which can help students improve the efficiency of
listening practice and promote cultural education. The production process itself can also help teachers grow up, so that teachers can realize the
transformation from content teacher to content producer in the digital age. Therefore, innovation in course content through AIGC tool is
an important path for the online teaching reform of foreign language courses, including Japanese.


AIGC; Online teaching; Foreign language audio-visual curriculum; Curriculum Ideology and Politics

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