
Building a Socialist Cultural Powerhouse with Firm Cultural Confidence

Hu Yao, Chunyu Yan, Jiaojiao Chen*


With the rapid development and rise of China, cultural self-confidence has become an important task in building a socialist cultural
power. This thesis aims to discuss the significance and role of firm cultural self-confidence in building a strong socialist culture. Firstly, this
paper will elaborate the concept and connotation of cultural self-confidence. Secondly, by analyzing the goal and importance of building a
strong socialist cultural country, it will discuss the role of firm cultural self-confidence in the process of realizing this goal. Finally, this paper
puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions from the aspects of cultural inheritance, cultural innovation and cultural exchanges. The purpose of this paper is to provide some references and insights for further strengthening cultural confidence and promoting the
construction of a strong socialist cultural country.


Cultural confidence; Socialist cultural power; Innovation; Exchange

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