
The Application of Situational Teaching in High School Ideological and Political Teaching Under the Background of New Curriculum Reform

Honglei Zhu*, Wenting Meng


The classroom is the main place for students to master knowledge. Under the creation of the teacher s situation, students quickly
integrate into the classroom teaching, stimulate learning motivation and generate learning interest. Students self-satisfy the needs of learning, pursue learning goals in the stimulation of needs, and complete the process of self-learning in the motivation of goals. In the process of
completing self-learning, students can not only truly and quickly understand classroom knowledge, but also get thinking training in the scene,
and their quality and ability are constantly improved. The creation of situations improves students initiative in learning. Students actively
cooperate with the teacher s teaching rhythm in the situation, quickly absorb the target knowledge, and also reduce the teacher s frustration
in classroom teaching. In the process of teaching and learning, promote the common growth of teachers and students.


High school politics; Situational teaching; Scene creation

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