
The Factors Influencing the Professional Identity of English Teachers: A Systematic Mini Review

Jingyi Han


Although previous research has confirmed that professional identity plays a significant role in teachers effectiveness and job satisfaction, the specific factors influencing the professional identity of English teachers remain unclear. More studies on these influencing factors
are needed, especially in some undeveloped regions. This paper explores various factors affecting the professional identity of English teachers,
focusing on individual, societal, and educational system aspects. Through the analysis of twenty studies, both quantitative and qualitative, the
results indicate that professional identity is shaped by a dynamic mix of social, environmental, and personal factors, evolving through internal
and external influences. The study emphasizes the need for increased societal support, improved work conditions, and addressing individual
teachers needs. It highlights the importance of a holistic approach to foster the professional growth and well-being of English teachers, suggesting that nurturing their professional identity requires a comprehensive strategy considering various influencing factors.


Professional identity; English teachers; Influencing factors

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