
Thinking on Improving the Teaching Quality of Chemical Engineering Specialty Experiment Course in Xinjiang Universities in the New Era

Jincheng Mu, Zhong Li, Ming Ou, Dan Sun, Hongxi Zhang*


This paper focuses on the practical teaching of the traditional engineering major-chemical engineering and technology major.And
taking the construction of the new engineering discipline as an opportunity, with the goal of cultivating applied talents, combined with the
characteristics of chemical engineering and technology majors and students in Xinjiang universities, this paper put forward some thoughts on
the improvement of experimental teaching quality of chemical engineering specialty.By introducing Ideal character teaching in All Courses,
strictly controlling experimental teaching and assessment processes, and appropriately combining computer operations in the three aspects of
teaching content, teaching process and assessment process, we can further consolidate teaching achievements, improve teaching quality, and
cultivate applied talents with more Xinjiang characteristics.


Chemical engineering and technology; Professional experiment; Teaching quality; Ponder

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