
Development and Utilization of Pharmacology Loose-leaf Teaching Materials under the Background of Vocational Education Reform

Xuyuan Zhang, Dongmei He, Decai Dai, Yanqiang Li


Based on a comprehensive analysis of the current situation of traditional textbook construction, the characteristics and purpose of
loose-leaf textbook construction, and the problems faced in the development and construction of loose-leaf textbook development, this paper
puts forward the research ideas, methods and main approaches for the development and application of loose-leaf school-based textbook for
pharmaceutical engineering and technology majors. The specific measures are to use the three-level matrix to reconstruct the course to clarify
the main posts and tasks of the course docking and the corresponding skills and knowledge requirements of the posts and tasks. The main
body of loose-leaf teaching materials and supporting information resources and the revision and improvement of teaching materials should be
completed in combination with pharmaceutical care competition.


Vocational education; Pharmacology; Loose-leaf teaching materials; Pharmaceutical engineering technology

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/wef.v2i5.5066


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