
A Study on the New Framework and Characteristics of the UK Higher Education Governance

Fengxiang Lyu


To better adapt to the popularization and marketization of higher education, this study intends to establish a new framework of
higher education governance in the United Kingdom Student Office. Under the new framework, the student office plans to set up two types
of university registration, adjust three levels of universities, status application conditions and procedures and adopt six types of monitoring
means to manage universities. The new framework tends to be characterized by an open competition platform and a prominent result-oriented
and scientific data strategy, which will have a far-reaching impact on universities, students and government governance institutions. However,
the new framework still needs to clarify further the method of using data for decision-making, coordinate different types of students learning
styles, and establish a new quality culture of higher education. The new framework of British higher education governance provides a useful
reference for our country to meet the governance challenge of the popularization stage of higher education and promote the modernization of
higher education governance.


United Kingdom; Higher education governance; Governance modernization; Student office; Universalization of higher education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/wef.v2i7.5782


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