
The Impact of Perceived Organizational Support on Teacher Innovative Behavior in Remote Work -- The Mediating Effect of Team Reflexivity

Hongjie Lyu, Wenhao Wang, Xiaoyang Kang


With the acceleration of digital transformation, remote work has become increasingly common in both business and education, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study, based on social exchange theory, examines the relationship between organizational support, online team reflection, and teacher innovative behavior. Findings show that teacher innovation in remote work relies heavily on organizational support, particularly team interaction and knowledge sharing. By enhancing team reflection and overcoming communication barriers,
organizational support stimulates teacher innovative behavior. This research offers insights for educational managers to foster innovation in
remote work settings and provides a new perspective on the digital transformation of educational institutions.


Remote Work; Perceived Organizational Support; Team Reflexivity; Teacher Innovative Behavior

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/wef.v2i8.5922


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