
The Application of Formative Assessment to Primary School English Teaching

Ailing Wang


With the deepening of the new curriculum reform, the pursuit of the quality of primary school English classroom teaching is the
teaching goal of every English teacher. In order to improve the quality of English teaching, teachers not only need to innovate teaching
methods and change teaching concepts, but also need to attach great importance to effective teaching evaluation. Teaching evaluation is an
indispensable part of teaching activities, and a scientific evaluation system is a powerful guarantee for achieving teaching goals. This article
mainly introduces the application of formative evaluation in primary school English teaching, the significance of formative evaluation and
the problems that should be paid attention to in the application process, so as to help primary school English teachers fully understand and
use formative evaluation to evaluate primary school students. English learning stimulates students' interest in learning English and improves
the level of English teaching in primary schools.


Formative assessment; Primary school English teaching; Teaching assessment

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