
The Implementation of AI-powered Teaching Assistants and the Reconstruction of Teacher Roles in English Lan-guage Education

Fanyu Jin, Ruyi Pei, Bo Li, Jing Wang


The rapid development of artifcial intelligence(AI) has brought about signifcant changes in various felds, including educa-tion. This study aims to explore the implementation of AI-powered teaching assistants (TAs)in English language education and the recon-struction of teacher roles in the context of AI. Through a comprehensive literature review and analysis, this paper examines the potential benefts and challenges of integrating AI-powered TAs into English language classrooms, as well as the transformation of teacher roles in terms of pedagogy, classroom management, and student engagement. The fndings suggest that AI-powered TAs can facilitate personalized learning experiences, enhance instructional effectiveness, and promote teacher-student interaction. However, there are also potential draw-backs, such as the replacement of human interaction and the ethical concerns surrounding data privacy. This study offers insights into how AI-powered TAs can be utilized to foster innovative teaching practices and promote the development of 21st-century skills among English language learners.


Artifcial Intelligence; TeachingAssistants; English Language Education; Teacher Roles; Personalized Learning

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