
Research on the Construction of Double-Certificated Teachers in Vocational Education

Yueyue Wang, Shiying Pan


The construction of double-certifcated teachers is an important support and basic guarantee for the development of vocational colleges and universities.An analysis of 20 policy texts on the construction of double-certifcated teachers in vocational colleges and univer-sities published between 2010 and 2021 and related literature shows that there are similar problems in the construction of double-certifcated teachers in vocational colleges and universities both at the policy level and at the practical level. For example, there is a lack of a complete system for the training of double-certifcated teachers; a single standard evaluation index, which is not very operational; and a lack of a corresponding evaluation and supervision system for the implementation of the policy, etc. Based on these problems, frst of all, we should es-tablish a joint research mechanism between schools and enterprises to build a standard system for recognizing double- certifcated teachers. Secondly, the cultivation mechanism should be improved to enhance the effectiveness of the cultivation of double-certifcated teachers; and fnally, a perfect and effective supervision mechanism should be established.


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