
Current Situation and Characteristic Analysis of College StudentsQuality Education -- based on CSEQ Empirical Survey Data

Wenjie Luo


The quality of higher education is the stage of education that education and society pay attention to, and how students learn after re-ceiving higher education is the core factor to measure the quality of higher education. Nowadays, all colleges and universities advocate quality education one after another, and art education is an important part of quality education, so what is the artistic quality of their students? In this paper, the independent sample t test and one-way analysis of variance are used to make an empirical analysis of college studentsart activity experience. The research shows that the average value of art activity experience of art and sports students is higher than that of arts and sci-ence students in different dimensions, and there are extremely signifcant differences between the two types of students in participating in art activities and learning art skills. Different grades also show signifcant differences in art activity experience, especially in learning art skills. Factors such as gender, nationality and place of residence have no substantial infuence on the art experience of college students.


College students; Study experience; Learning harvest

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