
Improvement Strategy of Higher Education Governance in China -- Based on the Perspective of Humanized Management of University Teachers

Kaige Zhang


Chinas higher education has stepped from the popularization stage to the popularization stage. Therefore, the improvement of teaching quality in colleges and universities is crucial.At present, there are many problems in the quality of higher education in China, and the improvement of higher education quality is imminent. Teachers are the main body of teaching and scientifc research in colleges and universi-ties, and the main force of cultivating talents and knowledge accumulation and innovation in colleges and universities. The passive working state is not conducive to the full play of teacherscreativity and the performance of the basic functions of colleges and universities. It is par-ticularly important to study how to promote the quality improvement of higher education from the perspective of humanized management of college teachers.


Higher education incentive mechanism; People-oriented

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