
Analysis of the Implementation Bias of the Double-decrease Policy and Measures to Address it -- An Analysis Framework Based on Camera Execution

Xin Su


The Double Reduction policy has achieved remarkable results since its inception, but there are some deviations in the implementation process. Based on Xu Jianniu and Shi Gaojians camera implementation framework, this paper analyses the deviations of local governments in implementing the double-decrease policy, and finds that, according to the differences in institutional potential and resources for
policy implementation, local governments have adopted It is found that, depending on the institutional potential and policy implementation
resources, local governments adopt the implementation strategies of policy perfunctory, policy adaptive, policy experimental and policy compliant. Based on this, we propose measures to address the biases in the implementation of the double reduction policy at the levels of institutional potential and policy implementation resources, so as to promote the sustainable and effective implementation of the double reduction


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