
School Education Shaping the Chinese Nations Sense of Community: Domestic Literature Review and Research Prospects

Aimin Shu, Jiaxin Li


In recent years, the research on school education to forge the sense of community of the Chinese nation has shown a good trend.
With the help of CNKI, this paper searched the relevant literature on the theme of small, medium and large colleges and universities fostering the consciousness of Chinese nation community in recent years, and found that the academic community has done a lot of research in
the aspects of The Times value, current situation and implementation path, which further enriched the content of education fostering Chinese
nation community from the school level and broadened the work field of ethnic education. It has effectively promoted the implementation of
the fundamental task of fostering morality and cultivating people in schools in the new era. However, there are still problems such as research
object differentiation, research imbalance between ethnic areas and non-ethnic areas, and weak research content. In the future, it is necessary
to further focus on the core objects of education, excavate and make full use of educational resources in ethnic areas and non-ethnic areas, improve the pertinence, timeliness and operability of the implementation path, and constantly promote the research station of education to forge
the sense of community of the Chinese nation from the school level and make new progress.


Creating a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation; Education; Schooling; Research outlook

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