
Practice and Exploration of Language Education Activities in Rural Kindergartens in Zhanjiang from the Perspective of Early Childhood and Primary School Connection

Zhao Li, Ping Wang, Dongdong Pan


Through the questionnaire method, the interview method and observation method, To understand the current situation of the language education activities in Zhanjiang rural kindergartens, It is found that kindergarten teachers lack the scientific cognition of language education activities between kindergarten and kindergarten, and some kindergartens cater to the unscientific needs of parents, Primary school is
disconnected from kindergarten, Lack of awareness and behavior to connect with the kindergarten, Family problems as lack of scientific educational concepts, therefore, The author proposed that the kindergarten aspect, Teachers set up scientific language education activities young
and young cognition, do a good job of parents work, To form a home-based cooperation, In the pre-reading, pre-writing and pre-literacy in
language education activities, Primary schools practice the Notice of Zhanjiang Education Bureau on the Scientific Connection between
Kindergarten and Primary School, Families actively cooperate with the kindergarten to do a good job of language activities of kindergarten
connection strategies, To comprehensively promote the practice of scientific connection of language education activities in Zhanjiang rural


Connection between young and young; Rural kindergarten; Language education activities; Practical exploration

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